Friday, September 4, 2015

One Ode' to a teacher on Janmashtami

You stole the clothes
Of the Gopikas.
And taught us that
The Atman knows no shame.

You opened your mouth
Full of mud and laugh.
And taught us that
God is inside this frame.

You fooled around everywhere
Made the neighbour despair
And taught us that
Life is full of joy, be aware.

You were the obedient student
Under Sage Sandipani- and yet
And you taught us all,
Righteousness and morals many.

How shall I revere you today
What would be the best way?
As Krishna, the omnipresent- or
As the guru of all gurus?


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கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...