Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Fear of the unknown

The Sun droops in the sea's horizon, yonder
My eyes over the glittering trail, I ponder.

The waves rumble rumble ashore, in might
But surrender at my feet, without a fight.

Just as they retreat after a quick feet kiss
They implore me to follow them into the abyss.

Maybe they want to show a whole new world
Where boundless happiness may have unfurled.

Fear of the unknown, though, holds me back
On my comfort zone, I am not cutting cut any slack.

I watch the vibrant daylight slowly die
Time, to bid another day in life good bye.

My gaze lingers on the water, some more
Wondering, what tomorrow has, in store.

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கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...