Sunday, May 14, 2017

Madodari's lamenting of Ravana's death

I was reading up a scene in the Kamba Ramayanam, where Mandodari, Ravana's virtuous wife, rushes to the battlefield, sees the dead Ravana, and plunges into uncontrolled dirge. Out of curiosity, I wanted to compared how Valmiki has described the same scene in the original, and how Kamban's version stacks up.

My verdict - it is hard to say which one is better. Both are absolutely beautiful in their own ways. I am quoting the Original texts, as well as giving their their meanings as I understand them. It is apparent, looking through the verses in both Sanskrit as well in Tamil, that the two great poets have approached the same scene with their own different imaginations.

I am only quoting the relevant section of the Yudha Kandam here from Valmiki Ramayanam. . In the earlier part of the same chapter, Mandodari starts off , by waxing eloquent about Rama's virtues, and the fact that Ravana's infatuation for Sita cost him and his country dear. Here, in these verses, Valimiki has dwelled more on the virtues of Ravana, as seen from Mandodari's eyes, and the fact that his body has been sieved by Rama's arrows, and that that illustrious body has been reduced to a caracas by the might of the virtuous Rama's arrows. Of particular interest, is the way he has described Ravana's slain body, which now looks akin to " arrows looking like the seep spikes on the body of a porcupine" and " a mountain broken down by a thunderbolt".

Kamban, in contrast, focuses on the arrows piercing Ravana's body, and his interpretation of it. While saying that the arrows have pierced so close to each other, on Ravana's body, that there is no place even for sesame seeds to fall in the cracks, he goes further with this masterpiece of description, where he says " it is as if the arrows are frisking his entire body, to see if there is any place in his body that still harbours infatuation over Janaki ( Sita), in order to flush them out".

I really enjoyed comparing and enjoying both versions.

Valmiki Ramayanam:

स्निग्देन्द्रनीलनीलं तु प्रांशुशैलोपमं महत् || ६-१११-४४
केयूराङ्गदवैदूर्यमुक्ताहारस्रगुज्ज्वलम् |
कान्तं विहारेष्वधिकं दीप्तं संग्रामभूमिषु || ६-१११-४५
भात्यभरणभाभिर्यद्विद्युद्भिरिव तोयदः |
तदेवाद्य शरीरं ते तीक्ष्णैर्नैकशरैश्चितम् || ६-१११-४६
पुनर्दुर्लभसंस्पर्शं परिष्वक्तुं न शक्यते |
श्वाविधः शलकैर्यद्वद्बाणैर्लग्नैर्निरन्तरम् || ६-१११-४७
स्वर्पितैर्मर्मसु भृशं संचिन्नस्नायुबन्धनम् |
क्षितौ निपतितं राजन् श्यामं वै रुधिरच्छवि || ६-१११-४८
व्ज्रप्रहाराभिहतो विकीर्ण इव पर्वतः |

Rough translation:

"O king! The body of yours which was really dark as glossy sapphire, gigantic like a lofty mountain and resplendent with Keyuras and Angadas (two varieties of armlets) and necklace of cat's eye-gems and pearls and wreaths of flowers, which body looked more charming during your pleasure-walks and dazzling in battle-fields, which shone with luster of jewels as a rainy cloud with flashes of lightning lies transfixed in numerous sharp arrows today. Though it will be difficult for me to touch it again, it is no longer possible to embrace it. It has tendons cut to pieces, by arrows of Rama, dug deep into your vital parts and closely transfixed like the spikes of a porcupine. Though dark of complexion, it is now transformed into the colour of blood and lies fallen on the ground like a mountain broken into pieces when hit by a stroke of thunder-bolt."

Kamba Ramayanam:

வெள் எருக்கஞ் சடை முடியான் வெற்பு எடுத்த

திரு மேனி, மேலும் கீழும்

எள் இருக்கும் இடன் இன்றி, உயிர் இருக்கும்

இடன் நாடி, இழைத்தவாறோ?

''கள் இருக்கும் மலர்க் கூந்தல் சானகியை

மனச் சிறையில் கரந்த காதல்

உள் இருக்கும்'' எனக் கருதி, உடல் புகுந்து,

தடவியதோ ஒருவன் வாளி?

Rough Translation:

The incomparable Rama's arrows have pierced both the top and bottom halves of the body of Ravana, who had so nonchalantly lifted the Kailasa mountain, the abode of Shiva, who adorns the Crown flower on his hair, so densely that there is no space even for sesame seeds to fall in the cracks. Are they frisking his body for any remnants of infatuation for Janaki?

ஒப்பற்ற  இராமபிரானின் அம்பு வெள்ளை  எருக்கம் பூவை (முடியில்)
சூடும் சிவபெருமானுடைய கயிலை மலையைத் தூக்கிய இராவணனுடைய  அழகிய உடலின் உடம்பின்    மேல்பகுதியிலும் கீழ்ப்பகுதியிலும் எள் இருக்கும் இடம் கூட இல்லாமல் உயிர்   இருக்கும்  இடம்
முழுவதையும் தேடி ஆராய்ந்த வண்ணமோ? தேன் குடிகொள்ளும்
மலர்களைச் சூடிய கூந்தலையுடைய சீதாதேவியை மனம் எனும் சிறையில் ஒளித்து  வைத்திருந்த காதலானது உள்ளே (இன்னும்
எங்காவது) பதுங்கியிருக்கும்   என்று    எண்ணி; உடல் புகுந்து
தடவியதோ? உடல் முழுதும் நுழைந்து     (நுழைந்து) தடவிப்

ஒருவன்  வாளி -  ஒப்பற்ற  இராமபிரானின் அம்பு;  வெள்
எருக்கம் சடைமுடியான்- வெள்ளை  எருக்கம் பூவை (முடியில்)
சூடும் சிவபெருமானுடைய; வெற்பு எடுத்த திருமேனி - கயிலை
மலையைத் தூக்கிய இராவணனுடைய  அழகிய உடலின்; மேலும்
கீழும்   - உடம்பின்    மேல்பகுதியிலும் கீழ்ப்பகுதியிலும்; எள்
இருக்கும் இடம் இன்றி- எள் இருக்கும் இடம் கூட இல்லாமல்;
உயிர்   இருக்கும் இடம்  நாடி-    உயிர்   இருக்கும்  இடம்
முழுவதையும் தேடி; இழைத்த ஆறோ?- ஆராய்ந்த வண்ணமோ?
கள் இருக்கும் மலர்க்கூந்தல் சானகியை- தேன் குடிகொள்ளும்
மலர்களைச் சூடிய கூந்தலையுடைய சீதாதேவியை; மனச் சிறையில்
கரந்த  காதல்   - மனம் எனும் சிறையில் ஒளித்து  வைத்திருந்த
காதலானது;உள்   இருக்கும்  எனக் கருதி - உள்ளே (இன்னும்
எங்காவது) பதுங்கியிருக்கும்   என்று    எண்ணி; உடல் புகுந்து
தடவியதோ? - உடல் முழுதும் நுழைந்து     (நுழைந்து) தடவிப்

ஒப்பற்ற  இராமபிரானின் அம்பு வெள்ளை  எருக்கம் பூவை (முடியில்)
சூடும் சிவபெருமானுடைய கயிலை மலையைத் தூக்கிய இராவணனுடைய  அழகிய உடலின் உடம்பின்    மேல்பகுதியிலும் கீழ்ப்பகுதியிலும் எள் இருக்கும் இடம் கூட இல்லாமல் உயிர்   இருக்கும்  இடம்
முழுவதையும் தேடி ஆராய்ந்த வண்ணமோ? தேன் குடிகொள்ளும்
மலர்களைச் சூடிய கூந்தலையுடைய சீதாதேவியை மனம் எனும் சிறையில் ஒளித்து  வைத்திருந்த காதலானது உள்ளே (இன்னும்
எங்காவது) பதுங்கியிருக்கும்   என்று    எண்ணி; உடல் புகுந்து
தடவியதோ? உடல் முழுதும் நுழைந்து     (நுழைந்து) தடவிப்


हा राजन् सुकुमारं ते सुभ्रु सुत्वक्समुन्नसम् || ६-१११-३६
कान्तिश्रीद्युतिभिस्तुल्यमिन्दुपद्मदिवाकरैः |
किरीटकूटोज्ज्वलितं ताम्रास्यं दीप्तकुण्डलम् || ६-१११-३७
मदव्याकुललोलाक्षं भूत्वा यत्पानभूमिषु |
विविधस्रग्धरं चारु वल्गुस्मितकथं शुभम् || ६-१११-३८
तदेवाद्य तवैवं हि वक्त्रं न भ्राजते प्रभो |
रामसायकनिर्भिन्नं रक्तं रुधिरविस्रवैः || ६-१११-३९
वीशीर्णमेदोमस्तिष्कं रूक्षम् स्यन्दनरेणुभिः |

36-39. haa! raajan = Alas; O king!; prabho = O lord!; yat vaktram = that face of yours; sukumaaram = which was so tender; subhru = and distinguished by charming eye-brows; sutvak = a glossy surface; samunnasam = having an exceptionally prominent nose; taamraasyam = coppery lips; diipta kuN^Dalam = and brilliant ear-rings; tulyam indupadma divaakaraiH = which vied with the mood; the lotus and the sun; kaanti shrii dyutibhiH = in loveliness light; and luster; kiriiTakuuTojjvalitam = was illumined by a number of diadems; bhuutvaa madavyaakula lolaakSham = which shone with its eyes wild and rolling through inebriety; paana bhuumiShu = in banqueting places; vividdha sragdharam = bore garlands of various kinds; chaaru = was lovely and charming (in every way); valgusmita shubham katham = was lit with a captivating smile and indulged in a delightful talk; tava tadeva = that face of yours; na bhraajate = does not actually sine; adya = as before today;

"Alas, O king! That face of yours which was so tender, O lord, and distinguished by charming eye-brows, a gloss surface, having an exceptionally prominent nose, coppery lips and brilliant ear-rings, which vied with the moon the lotus and the sun in loveliness, light and luster, was illumined by a number of diadems, which shone with its eyes wild and rolling through inebriety in banqueting places, bore garlands of various kinds, was lovely and charming in every way, was lit with a captivating smile and indulged in a delightful talk - that face of yours does not actually shine as before today pierced with Rama's arrows, it lies dyed with streams of blood. It has its marrow shattered and has got soiled through the dust raised by the chariots."

स्निग्देन्द्रनीलनीलं तु प्रांशुशैलोपमं महत् || ६-१११-४४
केयूराङ्गदवैदूर्यमुक्ताहारस्रगुज्ज्वलम् |
कान्तं विहारेष्वधिकं दीप्तं संग्रामभूमिषु || ६-१११-४५
भात्यभरणभाभिर्यद्विद्युद्भिरिव तोयदः |
तदेवाद्य शरीरं ते तीक्ष्णैर्नैकशरैश्चितम् || ६-१११-४६
पुनर्दुर्लभसंस्पर्शं परिष्वक्तुं न शक्यते |
श्वाविधः शलकैर्यद्वद्बाणैर्लग्नैर्निरन्तरम् || ६-१११-४७
स्वर्पितैर्मर्मसु भृशं संचिन्नस्नायुबन्धनम् |
क्षितौ निपतितं राजन् श्यामं वै रुधिरच्छवि || ६-१११-४८
व्ज्रप्रहाराभिहतो विकीर्ण इव पर्वतः |

snigdendraniilaniilaM tu praaMshushailopamaM mahat || 6-111-44
keyuuraaN^gadavaiduuryamuktaahaarasragujjvalam |
kaantaM vihaareSvadhikaM diiptaM saMgraamabhuumiShu || 6-111-45
bhaatyabharaNabhaabhiryadvidyudbhiriva toyadaH |
tadevaadya shariiraM te tiikShNairnaikasharaishchitam || 6-111-46
punardurlabhasaMsparshaM pariShvaktuM na shakyate |
shvaavidhaH shalakairyadvadbaaNairlagnairnirantaram || 6-111-47
svarpitairmarmasu bhR^ishaM saMchinnasnaayubandhanam |
kShitau nipatitaM raajan shyaamaM vai rudhirachchhavi || 6-111-48
vjraprahaaraabhihato vikiirNa iva parvataH |

"O king! The body of yours which was really dark as glossy sapphire, gigantic like a lofty mountain and resplendent with Keyuras and Angadas (two varieties of armlets) and necklace of cat's eye-gems and pearls and wreaths of flowers, which body looked more charming during your pleasure-walks and dazzling in battle-fields, which shone with luster of jewels as a rainy cloud with flashes of lightning lies transfixed in numerous sharp arrows today. Though it will be difficult for me to touch it again, it is no longer possible to embrace it. It has tendons cut to pieces, by arrows of Rama, dug deep into your vital parts and closely transfixed like the spikes of a porcupine. Though dark of complexion, it is now transformed into the colour of blood and lies fallen on the ground like a mountain broken into pieces when hit by a stroke of thunder-bolt."

44-48. raajan= O king!; te shariiram= the very body of yours snigdhendraniila niilam= which was really dark as a glossy sapphire; praamshu mahat shailopamam= gigantic like a lofty mountain; keyuuraaNgada vaiduurya muktaahaara sragujjvalam= and resplendent with Keyuras and Angadas (two varieties of armlets), necklace of cat's eye-gems and pearls and wreaths of flowers; adhikam kaantam= which looked more charming; vihaareShu= during pleasure-walks; diiptam= and dazzling; sangraama bhuumiShu= in battle fields; yat= which; bhaati= shone; aabharaNa abhiH= with the lustre of jewels; toyadaH iva= as a rainy cloud; vidyudbhiH= with flashes of lightning; chitam= lies transfixed; tiikShNaiH naikasharaiH= with numerous sharp arrows; adya= today; punaH durlabha samsparsham= though it will be difficult for me to touch it again; na shakyate= it is no longer possible; pariShvaktum= to embrace; tadeva= it; sambhinna snaayubandhanam= it has tendons cut to pieces; baaNaiH= by arrows (of Rama); svarpitaiH= dug deep; marmasu= into your vital parts; lagnaiH= aim closely transfixed; shalakaiH yadvat= like the spines; shvaavidhaH= of a porcupine; shyaam= though spines; shvaavidhaH= of porcupine; shyaam= though dark of complexion; rudhira chhavi= it is now transformed into the colour of blood; nipatitam= and lies fallen; kShitau= on the ground; parvataH iva= like a mountain; vikiirNaH= broken into pieces; vajra prahaaraabhihataH= when hit by a stroke of thunder-bolt.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

My take on the Indian Economy, Circa Aug 2015

The NPA mess in Banks

No one seems to be happy, these days, in banking circles. The recent moves by the Government to give more teeth to the RBI to go after defaulting companies and their boards had caused euphoria initially, but that that is quickly giving way to despair amongst banks.

Reason? Hitherto, the banks were allowed to " sleep over" the Non_Performing Assets (NPA) mess, ie, loans given to big industrial houses that have gone sour,with little prospect of recovering them, under the existing laws, without writing them off in their books. Many Public Sector Banks ( PSBs) saw their CEOs  adopt this tactic very smartly, wherein, without writing off the bad apples, they kept on postponing the problem, for their successor to come in and handle. It may be noted that apart from a few "stupid" private banks, the PSBs were manipulated by greedy business magnates, over the years, to oblige them with loans that looked dubious, to say the very least. Some willing bureaucrats heeded the advise of their political masters, enabling swindling of huge swathes of money over the last 7 decades.

Now, firstly, the RBI is empowered to take on the defaulters, and bring them " to the street" if required, in order to recover the loans. That means, the Vijay Mallayas of the world cannot any more hide behind the "limited liability" concept, cajole politicians, bureaucrats and banks to lend them thousands of crores of rupees without proper risk assessment and collateralization being done.

Secondly, and more importantly, the banks will be required to "hand over" the bad apples to RBI, but only after writing them off in their books, after the mandatory waiting period, as laid down in the guidelines of the Indian Bankers' Association (IBA).

What are the potential fallouts of these over the short to medium term?

One, banks because of the write-offs, banks in general can be safely expected to report poor quarterly earnings over the next few quarters. Their stock prices may correct, from the rather lofty valuation currently. Banks are the backbone of the Stock market, and therefore, the ripple effect may be seen in the Stock Indices correcting, too. Any Geo political events that may weigh, over and above this, could only exacerbate matters. Therefore, the risk to reward, in stock markets appears to be diminishing for now. This view of mine is for the short to medium term only.

Two, expect more industrialists to be pulled up legally for default. This is likely to send shivers down the spine of many. Essar, Videocon, Bhushan Steel, GVK, GMR, Suzlon,Lanco etc come to my mind, but there could be many others too. The will throw water in the already poor investment climate, where fresh investments are hard to come by, a fact borne out by the fact that lending to the capital goods sector has actually been going down over the last three years. So, until clarity emerges on who is going to be spared, expect investments to lie low, and therefore, GDP growth to continue to be pale, at around the 7% mark. There is no reason to despair, though, since there is enough excess capacity available for the economy to absorb in case demand picks up. And, in any case, compared to even China, a 7% GDP growth is pretty good, by any yardstick. The unknown entity here is the monsoon. If we end up with a reasonably good monsoon, then things may not have much of an impact on demand. However, if the monsoon fails this year too, as has been happening over the last three years, then Modi will have a tough time coming back to power in 2019, and this likely economic backdrop.

I am disappointed that while the Government has addressed the immediate sick baby - NPAs - they have not yet gone to the root of the problem. While failed enterprises are the foundation of any robust capitalist economy, in India, Risk Assessment and management for Banks, is either very weak, or can be easily manipulated, or both. So, while, the nation may grin it's teeth and clean up the balance sheets of Banks as a "one-time" pain, the problem is likely to resurface, unless lending norms are tightened significantly. To me, Arun Jaitley's acid test lies here. So far, he has failed, but tomorrow could well be different.

So, are there no positives out of this seemingly despondent scenario? Of course there are.

Firstly, expect awareness amongst public and banks to increase. Expect push-back, when it comes to lending. Banks may insist on tighter norms for lending. Politicians may still have their way, but it is going to be more difficult than before. This clean-up exercise sends out a strong message to the sharks out there, that manipulating the system for their personal gains, is getting increasingly difficult, if not impossible.

Secondly, for every Dhoot or Ruia or GVK Reddy who will come under the hammer, expect green shoots to come in. This, to me, presents the more exciting aspect of this clean-up. Tomorrow could well see new business leaders, with fresher ideas, come in and make a difference.

Whether that difference will point towards the positive direction, remains to be seen.

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Picture Courtesy: The Economic Times

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The God of Honesty

It was less than 3 years ago. Arvind Kejriwal was then busy,  organizing one press conference after another. Targeting leaders from the Congress, to Shiv Sena to the BJP , and hurling one corruption charge after another. That was enough to get him the limelight. The presstitutes were only too eager to oblige. After all, who would want to give away freebie TRP ratings?

Cut the chase. Today, Brutus has stabbed Caesar, in front of cameras. The man, whose claim to fame was solely based on hurling unsubstantiated corruption charges, stands alone - getting a taste of his own medicine. The self-styled God of Honesty clearly is God no more.

A few take-aways from today's press conference:

1. Why did Mishra have to wait, and call for a grand conference call, in order to hurl corruption charges against his own leader. If he were that concerned about probity in public life, why did he not blow the whistle then and there? The onus is now on him, to provide prima facie evidence. Without that, to me, this will only be yet another of those political gimmickry.

2. The charges appear to be serious enough to warrant a criminal investigation. I hope the Central Government and the Governor have the spine to pursue this, rather than pussy-footing over the issue.

3. If Kejriwal is indeed clean, as he claims, then it is equally incumbent on him to file a libel or defamation suit on Mishra, in oder to clear his name. Allow the courts to decide, and give him the clean chit. There are too many lawyers in Delhi to help with him in this effort. Including the redoubtable Ram Jethmalani, Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Kapil Sibal, Salman Khurshid, and - yes - Arun Jaitley   ;)

கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...