Monday, July 14, 2008

"Art of Living" in today's fast world

On the topic of Sri Sri Ravishankar, yes, he is extremely popular everywhere, including here in Singapore. His teachings are nothing new, but a refreshing level of packaging and applied spiritualism does the trick… much like Osho, or Vivekananda. I had realized fairly long back ( but am doing nothing about it due to sheer complacency) that part of the Hindu prayer for padaiyal or Neivedhyam are a set of mantras which invoke the panchapranas (or five different breaths that every human body has).. infact most people think that the mantram is towards God… but it is not… it dedicates the food to the panchapranas and Brahman ( or the Utlimate truth, or God or Holy spirit… whatever one wants to call it as). It is a clear reminder that the right food is essential for getting the right breath, and thereby a long and calm life … in Hindusim there is nothing really called happy life… it is calm, contented and equanimous life that one aspires for. Controlling the breath, and by extension, the mind and intellect, have been proven scientific ways to achieve this. What Sri Sri and others do are to take this practical message to today’s fast world, and get some sanity back into people’s otherwise harried lives. By the way, this “meditation” is not unique to Hinduism. I have observed that muslims who do namaz devoutedly 5 times a day in the true muslim way, tend to get similar sadhvik qualities. One of my closest friend is a Christian, and I observe that their entire family is always calm and quiet, take happiness and sadness with equanimity, and dedicate everything to Jesus. Their secret? All of them pray for 10 minutes together, silently, every morning… and I have known this happen for at least 30 years in their families now.. Nett nett, it does not matter what religion one follows.. or for that matter, if one is an atheist or an agnostic ( Mammu, I do not know which category you fall into). If one can keep his mind calm and clear then a lot of things can be achieved in this material world… I am not surprised at 2.5 million people following him… guru Ramdev in India has similar number of followers for his yoga… the point is, people today want simple quick-fix solutions to their teething troubles… anyone who can make is simple for them becomes a hit. In fact, one of Business 101 in Harvard business school principles is, if you can take a complex idea or task, and make it simple through your product or service then that can become a great business proposition ( no disrespect to Sri Sri intended).

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கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...