Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stephen Hawking and the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Right now I am reading some snippts of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the 10 most popular ones. I was immediately reminded of the book The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawking. I am sure many of you would have read the latter.
In the first chapter there, Hawking acknolwledges that God MAY have created the Universe in the first instance, after which the big bang happened. He clearly has no scientific explanations to a period before the Big Bang.. I rememebr many other top scientists admitting the same. To be, this is postulation that God MAY have createdthe Universe... the Believers believe that it was God's handiwork, and the scientists seem to agree " we do not have any other science to either prove or disprove this- yet; and so it may well be the case" . Maybe they really dont care.. so it be.
When I read the section in the Brihadaryanaka Upanishad where there is a conversation between Sage Yagnavalkya and Gargi, and I reproduce it below. It is astounding to find that Yagnavalkya comes to the same conclusion as Stephen Hawkins ( or rather the other way around!!) . Yagnavalkya is clearly unable to explain what the Origin of Everything is or was- in fact in chapter IV, where he as a conversation with Maitryi, she admits, at the end of the conversation, and I quote " Then Maitreyi said: "Just here you have bewildered me, venerable Sir, by saying that after attaining oneness the self has no more consciousness." Yajnavalkya replied: "Certainly I am not saying anything bewildering, my dear. This Reality is enough for knowledge, O Maitreyi." "
Nett of it, the philosophical angle to explain the Origin of Everything is to ascribe it to Brahmam, or Holy Spirit or Allah, or whatever it is, depending on the individual's faith ( of course, explainations to substantiate this would differ from religion to religion, but that is understandable). And as for Scientists, they merely seem to shrug their shoulders and say " sorry we can't explain this anymore bassed on evidence available, may it is created by God, or may not, we dont really know" ....
I found this fascinating - how could an ascetic, sitting on the Himalayas with no Hubble Telescope or nothing, have seemingly come to the same conclusion as modern scientists, thousands of years back?

.... Read on

Chapter VI—Yajnavalkya and Gargi (I) 1. Then Gargi, the daughter of Vachaknu, questioned him. "Yajnavalkya ," said she, "if all this is pervaded by water, by what, pray, is water pervaded?" "By air, O Gargi." "By what, pray, is air pervaded?" "By the sky, O Gargi." "By what is the sky pervaded?" "By the world of the gandharvas, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the gandharvas pervaded?" "By the world of the sun, O Gargi. "By what is the world of the sun pervaded?" "By the world of the moon, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the moon pervaded?" "By the world of the stars, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the stars pervaded?" "By the world of the gods, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the gods pervaded?" "By the world of Indra, O Gargi. "By what is the world of Indra pervaded?" "By the World of Virij, O Gargi. "By what is the World of Virij pervaded?" "By the World of Hiranyagarbha, O Gargi." "By what, pray, is the World of Hiranyagarbha pervaded?" "Do not, O Gargi," said he, "question too much, lest your head should fall off. You are questioning too much about a deity about whom we should not ask too much. Do not ask too much, O Gargi." Thereupon Gargi, the daughter of Vachaknu, held her peace.

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கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...