Saturday, March 21, 2009

Varun Gandhi

Varuna is the Rain god in Hinduism, and , going by what the media proclaims, Varun Gandhi apparently is "raining" hatred at the moment. 

I firmly believe that there is no smoke without fire. Here is a possible list of causes for this most recent "outburst"..  these are purely speculative in nature. No one really knows the true cause, but it could well be one or more of these.

  1. Varun is pitching himself to take advantage of the fact that after Advani there is no one at the national stage to grab the leadership fo the BJP. The fact that he happens to be from the "Gandhi" brand may help him... (remember, there is hell a lot of opposition within the BJP for Modi, notwithstanding his stature in Gujarat and I can't think of any other national contendor within the BJP at present.)   This may be Varun's personal calculation to pitchfork into national limelight overnight.  This strategy ahs been tried and tested in the past - people like Advani and Modi have catapulted into focus using such emotive issues.
  2. Varun's calculation may well be that this round of elections may see a hung parliament, leading to elections again in a few months... by which time he may be out of jail, if at all he is thown in, in time for fighting out the next round more effectively. Much like Vaiko's recent rhetoric on the Tamil's issue yesterday.
  3. The other possibility may be that he has the blessings of the BJP leadership- more like the BJP shooting from his shoulders.. at the moment, the BJP leadership and party are in tatters when it comes to election preparedness, and this may well end up being a unifieid force. The BJP may need a "new face" to restart the rhetoric, and Varun's ambitions may have fit in the bill well.
  4. The BJP may be trying to use Varun as a countervailing force for Modi's rise - typical Indira-Gandhi- style politics.
  5. This may be a ploy of the RSS - use Varun;s ambitions to send a message to Advani that the "ram" cause cannot simply be buried under the carpet.
  6. The BJP may genuinely be looking for a "unifying" casue other than Rama temple, which is, by now a stale issue in electoral politics, to get all the fringe groups fight together. The use of Varun for this purpose will also, incidentally, help them dent the "family hegemony" of the Gandhi family, notably the rise of the Gen-next Gandhi, Rahul.

The whole election scene right now is a merry go-round. The UPA and NDA have become UP and ND - the A (Alliances) has broken down completely for both of them. The third front is an aggloemeration of partieis who were fighting each other rabidly, till two months back. And today we get the news of the rise of a 4th front (!!)  consisting of Lallu, Mullu and Paswan....

How all these Netas of the four combos will use people's immiment fractured verdict to horse-trade and get the best biz proposition from the Cauldron, remains to be seen.

Whatever it is, the god Varuna is also the master of law and the Oceans...   Varun shurely must be hoping for a political Tsunami !!

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கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...