Sunday, September 29, 2013


I know well, that
The Soul is a guest
Of the host
called The Body-
For a few decades,
At best.

Why am I then
Obsessed with
The Host,
instead of
Caring for the Guest?

Does not
"Athiti Devo Bhava"
Apply to the sublime?

Friday, September 20, 2013

My brother

The stone-washed jeans
That you bought me with
Your first pay
Still hangs in my closet-
As a reminder of 
Your selflessness.

" You need that now
More than I do, for,
You are now in college"
Still rings in my ears-
As a reminder of 
Your care.

"Don't bother about others-
Join the college you really wish"
Still echoes in my mind-
As a reminder of
Your vision.

"Study whatever you feel
Passionate about- leave the
Finances to me"
Still reverberates in me-
As a reminder of your 
immense motivation.

"Let no woman come
In between our 
Brotherly ways".
Still emotes me-
As a reminder of your
Sibling bonding.

"Will I ever be able to
repay, at least in part,
All that you have given me,
At your own cost?"
Always pinches me-
As a reminder of your 
Towering influence.

"Should I belittle all
Your sibling showers on me
By a simple Thank You?"
Still bothers me-
As a reminder of your
Unflinching affection.

"Did God send you
ahead of me on this earth
Just to take be my guardian angel?"
Still lingers in me-
As a reminder of your
Soothing presence.

"Will I ever get 
Such a  wonderful brother 
Like you, in my next birth?"
Still rankles me-
As a reminder of 
the Most Amazing Sibling.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The climb

After every arduous climb
Lies a window
Of opportunity
That opens up
A vista of the world-
All over again.

Never be
Never tire of climbing.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Secret

As you went away
By the evening train
Forever, to fade away
Did I see a gleam
In your moist eyes?
Did I feel a
Petulant platitude?

What did play
In your melancholic mind?
I muse, with a
Heavy heart.
Did you attempt
To convey something?

What really was it
That you never revealed?
Did that secret get drowned
In the cacophony
Of the Railway station?
Or was it a
Seminal Secret
Saved for the
Next birth?

Friday, September 13, 2013


ऐसा लगा जिंदगी में उछल आई
जब तुम प्यार दी ताबीर बनके
रास्ते में उम्मीद मिला था मगर
चला गया  प्यास की फरिश्ता बनके

मुहब्बत का जिहादी की शौक हुयी
खुद की बस्ती को वीराना बनाके
अब यादों का वर पाया है हमने
भूल जाने का ही  इरादे बनाके

Monday, September 9, 2013


பன்மொழி கொண்ட இந்நாட்டில்
செம்மொழி பல இருப்பினும்
எம்மொழியும் எம் மொழி என
இன்மொழி பரப்புவோமாக.

கனிமொழியாம் தமிழ்மொழியை
முதன்மொழியும் போதெல்லாம்
பிரமொழியையும் போற்றுவோமே
வழிமொழிந்து வரவேற்போமே!!

கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...