Sunday, September 8, 2019

Passion for possessions

Something interesting had happened today.

One of our Sindhi neighbours had invited us for a Ganesh Puja/ Arathi. They do it in a grand manner, every year, spending loads of money, and preparing for the 9 day event.

While the prayers were on, I happened to notice this interesting pedestal for the God, in the photo above.
It looked so beautiful, and captured my attention instantaneously.

But, right at the same time, right in the midst of the prayers, a thought occurred to me:  " Wow! Looks so beautiful. I should perhaps buy a similar one".

Right at that moment, the pedestal had become an object of desire, something to be coveted, something for me to possess. It felt, just for a moment, as if my happiness solely lay in possessing that beautiful piece of art.

Of course, I was quick to pull myself back, from that thought train, and focus on the "task at hand" . After all, free Sindhi food was to follow soon . ЁЯШЬЁЯШЬ

The larger question continues in my mind, well after the food had gone down the gullet- why cant humans simply marvel of things of beauty, without this intense, and almost obsessive, desire to possess it. Why do humans generally think that happiness lies in solely possessing it? I know I am not rich enough to buy a Lamborghini ЁЯПОЁЯПО, so I am quite comfortable admiring from afar. However, when I fancy even a remote chance of "owning it", why am I overpowered by a strong desire to possess it right-away?

Are humans generally prone to Obsessive Compulsive Disorders? 

Moot point.

Any thoughts?

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