Sunday, October 27, 2024

A virtuous journey

 Engulfed in depths of humility's sea,

Truth-filled, freed from pride’s decree.

In peace and kindness, he stands tall;

The first pure step, the rise of all.

Through honesty and a teacher’s care,

By steady heart and purity rare,

With self-restraint as his guide,

He climbs the second step with pride.

From senses’ sway, he breaks away,

Releasing ego’s stubborn sway.

He knows life’s end and birth anew;

The third path opens with wisdom’s view.

With love for all, untouched, set free,

A soul of pure simplicity.

By wisdom’s lamp, his heart is bright;

Truth’s essence glows in endless light.

In solitude’s quiet, he finds his peace,

Avoids the throngs, their noise does cease.

With even mind, in grace he stands,

Graced by virtues, divine and grand.

In envy’s absence, compassion’s tide,

With equal love he walks beside,

With friendship true, his heart attains

The sixth step on life’s sacred plains.

In wisdom’s call, in acts divine,

In prayer’s light his soul does shine.

With faith’s embrace, his path is led,

To seventh step, by spirit fed.

With faith in freedom’s sacred goal,

With self-surrendered, whole and whole,

He moves on high to the loftiest place,

Touched by truth and eternal grace.

As rivers to the sea unite,

He reaches freedom's boundless light.

Like lotus leaves in waters pure,

Untouched he stands, from bonds secure.

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கீத சக்கர

கீத சக்கரச் சவுக்கருளியெம் குருகுகாப் பெருமானை சீத நல்பட நாமமலர்கழல் தொழுதெழு பண்ணுமே! கீதமருந்தின் அன்பளித்திடு கீர்த்திச் செம்மையே ஏதுமில்...